She’s colorful, she’s candy-filled, she’s collegiate! Our mascot, Lulu Thee Llama, tells juuust a little bit of her story (she’s a very private llama) and explains why she chose the School of IS and American Studies. In this interview, the #DesignYourDegree diva serves treats, tea, and truth. Find out what celebrity she’s related to, what show she’s bingeing, and her advice on how to take hard knocks while continuing to slay your semester.
Where are you and your family from?
Well, as you know, I’m a very private llama. I’ll say this: I’m from a prominent family, and I have some very famous relatives. For legal reasons, I can’t say my cousin’s name, but it rhymes with FEDRO FASCAL.
What made you choose UTD?
UTD chose me! I received an offer of free tuition if I would serve as mascot. I had a lot of offers at the time, but UTD made me the best one. (Free candy.)
What’s your major at IS and why did you choose it?
I chose American Studies so I could select my own courses. I’m one of a kind and so is my major. Basically, I’m becoming an expert in how Americans communicate – about me in particular. LOL!
I love analyzing American culture and society. Because like seriously – why are people like this?
Lulu thee llama
What’s your favorite thing about American Studies?
I love analyzing American culture and society. Because like seriously – why are people like this?
Do you have a favorite course or instructor at UTD?
I really like American Popular Culture. I took it because I like popular things. But what it’s really about is looking at American culture historically through some of its most popular cultural forms, like movies, magazines, advertising, music… Some of my favorite things!
What are your plans after graduation?
I live in the moment, ok? Right now, my only plan is to finish bingeing Love Island. #PPG JaNa girl, Sagittarius gang.
What advice would you give to other students?
Pinatas are resilient creatures. We get hit, we just spew candy. And it takes a lot to beat us down. I would say: no matter what life hits you with, stay colorful. And follow me on social ok byeeeee.