The University of Texas at Dallas
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The IS Files: Episode 6 (The One With The Leaf Blower)

This post is part of a series. View the last post for context.

I’m really sorry about the leaf blower, guys.

The lesson of today’s video is sometimes you just have to power through and keep going even when it feels like everything is falling apart. From losing loved ones to getting sick to having a leaf blower outside your window while you’re trying to record a video, many things in life are outside our control. We just keep going anyway.

I’m excited about my research project, which I’ve been able to start hashing out during Foundations class sessions. With the help of Dr. Hammonds, my ideas for research on memes is starting to take more formal shape. As mentioned, I want to explore the concept of memes as functioning similar to Tarot cards and other “magickal” symbols, except instead of “invoking” spirit, the memes “invoke” extremist political thoughts, beliefs, or understanding. Without going into too much detail here, I’ve started to gather scholarly articles on topics such as the visual semiotics of Tarot and the history of 4chan and 8chan. After my synthesis paper is complete, I’ll share details about the frameworks I’ll be using and how I’m integrating them.

We’re beginning next week’s poetry workshop with a visit to a car dealership to conduct field interviews, then convening at a coffee shop to write about our experience.

On the work/life/school balance front… let’s just say I’m in over my head. After getting sick over the weekend and falling behind at work and school, I emerged from my blanket cocoon to see the house had fallen apart around me due to under-supervised children run amok. I’m playing catch up in every aspect of my life and reminding myself that by this time next week I won’t remember how stressed out I was today.

Watch the video for further details about my MAIS research project and more!

Don’t forget to watch the video above, subscribe to our YouTube channel, and check back every Monday for more in this series. As always, email with questions and comments.