Minor in Healthcare Studies
The minor in Healthcare Studies is designed for students from any major who have an interest in healthcare. The Healthcare Studies minor will allow students to learn important aspects of the health profession including appropriate terminology and the foundational elements of professionalism in the healthcare setting. Students will also gain an understanding of basic biological and medical principles related to human health and disease, the fundamental aspects of the history or philosophy of healthcare, and psychological, social, or economic issues associated with healthcare in America. Twelve hours must be upper-division courses.
Required Courses in Health Career Development Foundations: 5 semester credit hours
HLTH 1100 Career Exploration for the Health Professions
HLTH 3300 Pre-Health Professional Development
HLTH 3101 Medical Terminology
Electives: 13-15 semester credit hours
BIOL 3370 Exercise Physiology
BIOL 3455 Human Anatomy and Physiology with Lab I
BIOL 3456 Human Anatomy and Physiology with Lab II
ECON 3330 Economics of Health
HIST 3328 History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine
HLTH 1322 Human Nutrition
HLTH 3301 Issues in Geriatric Healthcare
NSC 4356 Neurophysiology
NSC 4366 Neuroanatomy
PHIL 3320 Medical Ethics
PHIL 4321 Philosophy of Medicine
PSY 4328 Health Psychology
PSY 4346 Human Sexuality
SOC 4372 Health and Illness